Class 4: Our final BSL lesson

Today we had our final BSL lesson. We have really enjoyed the 10 sessions and learned so much that most of us said we would be happy to try and communicate in BSL! We said goodbye to Miss Angela, Miss Debbie and Dasher who we thanked very much. We all had our certificates. 

Class 4: Water Safety

Today we were visited by Canal and River Trust Explorers. They talked to us about keeping safe when playing around water. We have all had a little book about it to bring home.

Class 4: Chess Champions

Today 5 of our children competed in a Chess Tournament at Gresford. They made us exceptionally proud and ended up with a third place medal. WOW! They thoroughly enjoyed it and I think it has enthused a few more to join their chess club; which they have set up in school at lunchtimes. Also, a … Read more