Nursery: Goodbye!

Nursery: Goodbye Today was our last Nursery session. What a year we have had, we have had so much fun and we hope you have enjoyed looking at our photographs on the website. We can’t wait to start our next adventure in Reception. We hope you all have a lovely summer.

Nursery: Forest School

Nursery: Forest School Today we had our last session as Nursery in Forest School. We have really enjoyed our time outside. Miss Clark has prepared lots of fun activities, thank you Miss Clark! We can’t wait to go back when we are in Reception.

Nursery: Fun and laughter

Nursery: Fun and laughter We have been so busy during the last few weeks. We have had Sports Day, Beach Week and lots more. Here is a snapshot of our last few weeks in Nursery.

Nursery: Sports Day

Nursery: Sports Day We had lots of fun on Sports Day with our minibeast themed races!

Nursery: Forest School

Nursery: Forest School When we arrived in Forest school today Miss Clark read us a story about a monkey. There was a table where you could make a necklace or a habitat for a minibeast. Some of us went on a minibeast hunt around Forest School. We made a caterpillar cake with Mrs Jarvis which … Read more

Nursery: Broad Beans

Nursery: Broad beans On Friday we went to check our Kitchen Garden, we were so happy to see that everything is growing well. We were very excited to see that the broad beans were ready to be picked. Mrs Jarvis helped us to pick them and we each took two home to cook.

Nursery: Phonics

Nursery: Phonics Today in Nursery we were learning all about the ‘c’ sound. We know there is a curly c letter and a kicking k letter, but both have a ‘c’ sound. We chopped up apples and made a delicious crumble which we had with custard at snack time. Outside we played lots of games … Read more

Nursery: Forest School and butterflies

Nursery : Forest School and butterflies Today we had our first Forest School session with Miss Clark and what a great morning we had. We went on a walk around the area, and we moved from area to area like different minibeasts! Some of us made grass heads, we all decorated cakes to look like … Read more

Nursery: Another exciting week

Nursery: Another exciting week This week we had a lovely surprise when we went out to water our Kitchen Garden, Toni and Bill were there with some onions for us to plant. They told us that when they arrived, they found a tray of strawberry plants that Peter Rabbit had left to say sorry for … Read more

Nursery: Kitchen Garden and ladybirds

Nursery: Kitchen Garden and ladybirds We were very excited to be back at school on Monday, we couldn’t wait to see our Kitchen Garden. We have beans and peas, some beautiful flowers and hopefully we will be able to dig up our potatoes soon. On Tuesday, it was all about spots! We found out some … Read more