We had an exciting assembly this week looking at germs. We found out where we can find them, what germs can cause and how we can prevent spreading them. We talked about how coughing and sneezing into our hands is the main cause of spreading germs in our school. We looked at how to do the ‘vampire sneeze/cough’ this is where they cough or sneeze in their arm instead of their hands. They were reminded if they did sneeze/cough into their hands they needed to go and wash them. We looked at the 5 ways to washing hands referring to the poster which is on display in the girls and boys toilets.
Each class then used the ‘glitter bug’ to see how well they wash their hands. This involves the children rubbing cream into their hands until it disappears, they then put their hands under the glitter bug which shows the cream up white under a UV light. The children then go to wash their hands for the recommended time of 20 seconds and put them back under the UV light to see if they have washed the cream off. Some children were quite shocked to see the cream was still there as they said they had put plenty of soap on, but it is all about how much they are rubbing the soap in, not the amount of soap used.
We discovered the main areas that were not washed properly were the palm of their hands, in between their fingers and their nails. All the children thoroughly enjoyed using the ‘glitter bug’, a fun way for the children to see the importance of washing their hands properly.