FREE on-line course for staff and parents

Public Health Wales / BCHB are delighted to announce that staff and parents can now access an innovative ONLINE course about children, worth £39, completely free of charge. Understanding Your Child is put together by the Solihull Approach, an accredited, evidence based approach established 20 years ago by psychologists, health visitors and other health professionals. … Read more

General Links Activity Page – Updated

The general links Activity page has been updated with some new links. These now include:  Keeping Physical  On-line reading books  Welsh  Well-Being (for adults and children)  On-line safety  Craft ideas  Getting outside  BBC  HWB Click here to go to the page, otherwise it can be found under the ‘Pupils’ heading.

Key Workers and Child Care

This morning an email has been sent out to the parents who had previously indicated they fall under this category. If you have not received this email and believe you do fall into this category please email school. Critical key worker statement from the Welsh Government: “Every child who can be safely cared for at … Read more

Updated:General Activity Page

The General Activity Page has been updated with links for; Physical activities, Welsh, crafts and also things to do outside.

Unbeatable Eva

Thank you very much to everyone who donated on Friday. We have just made a donation of £124 to the fund, a wonderful amount with such few children in school. Thank you!

New Page Added

A new page has been added which has general links for activities, this can be found under ‘Pupils’. The page will be updated as we go along as well as the specific work on the class pages. To begin with it has just has a few activities on there for now; Physical, Reading and links … Read more

School Closure COVID-19

School is now closed until further notice and we will keep you updated of any new information here, on the website. Please check regularly and download the app so that you are notified of news. Key workers: All parents who indicated they are key workers have been contacted today and provision has been put in … Read more

Key Workers Update

An email has been sent out with regards to key workers. Please check your junk email boxes if you have not received the email before contacting the school. Many thanks for your continued patience and understanding at this difficult time.

COVID-19: Key workers

We are currently awaiting more information with regards to key workers. Please bare with us, we will update you as soon as we know more. Many thanks.