Your Role

As a ‘family’ school, we value highly the contribution that parents can make to their child’s education. If at any time you wish to discuss any matter with the class teacher or myself, please email or telephone to make an appointment that is mutually convenient.

We look forward to a productive partnership between home and school with the common aim of preparing your child for a successful life beyond primary school.

Fitness to learn.

It is important that children arrive at school ‘fit to learn’. This means that:

  • They have a good night’s sleep
  • They should have a calm start to the day, with an adequate breakfast. This meal is far more important than a mid-morning snack. It has been proven that children who do not eat breakfast do not perform to the best of their ability.
  • They are wearing correct school uniform.
  • They are properly equipped and bring to school the correct equipment for that day.

Home/ School Agreement.

The Schools Standards and Framework Act 1998 requires all schools to adopt a Home/School Agreement. When your child is admitted to school you will be given a copy of the agreed document and invited to sign it. When returned to school it will be signed by the Headteacher.

Acceptable Use Policy.

Parents also need to sign our Acceptable Use Policy as part of our E-Safety, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies. This states that:

I am aware that the school does not permit parents/carers to take photographs and videos of children in school events and if they do, that the school requests that photos/videos are not shared on any social networking site such as Facebook or with other parents. I will support the school’s approach to e-Safety and will not upload or add any pictures, video or text that could upset, offend or threaten the safety of any member of the school community.

I confirm I will not post any comments, especially malicious or fictitious on social networking sites about any member of the school community or event. I will make complaints through official school channels rather than posting comments on social network sites.

For the safety of all of our pupils and other members of our community, we will take action if policies are breached.


Homework is seen to be an integral part of the curriculum and is set to support your child’s progress and to forge the links between home and school. Homework sows the seeds of seeing learning as a life-long activity.

The homework set at Foundation Phase is mainly reading. Later, children will be asked to learn spellings and to complete a piece of English and Maths homework each week. Occasionally children may be asked to research a topic which they are going to study in greater depth at school. We hope you will encourage and support your child in completing the work required. Help does not mean that you have to do it yourself! If problems arise, please do not hesitate to discuss the matter with the class teacher.

School Holiday Dates 

Holiday dates are published well in advance and we would strongly advise that you avoid taking holidays during term time if at all possible, as missing part of a term is very disruptive to the pupil concerned.

If holidays during term time are unavoidable, then application should be made well in advance, in writing, to the Governing Body, which will then advise you if absence has been authorised. Absences in excess of this will be recorded as unauthorised. Please do not book holidays without this authorisation.