Admissions Policy
Within this context of Christian belief, we aim to provide our pupils with the highest quality education in a happy and supportive atmosphere. We wish our children to enjoy interesting and stimulating lessons whilst understanding the need for good behaviour and respect for themselves and others. We also enrich the curriculum through a wide range of after school activities and educational visits.
Penley Madras V.A. Primary School accepts pupils between the ages of 3 and 11 years of age.
As a Church in Wales Voluntary Aided School, the admissions committee established by the governing body of the School is responsible for the admission of pupils. Applications can be made on-line at by following the link to school admissions. Paper application forms can be obtained from Contact Wrexham, 16 Lord Street, Wrexham, LL11 1LG, for those parents who do not have an email address.
The School Standards and Framework Act 1998 requires LAs and Governing Bodies to admit pupils up to the school’s admission number (AN). The Admission Number relates to the number of children that can be admitted to each year group during the school year and is calculated using the capacity assessment method in the Welsh Government’s guidance document ‘Measuring the Capacity of Schools in Wales’. The Admission Number (AN) for our school is 17.
a) Looked after children and previously looked after children
b) Pupils with an elder sibling who is of statutory school age and will still be registered at our school when the younger child is eligible to attend. (see “Definitions” section of the policy)
c) Pupils who live in the Mission Area of Maelor and for whom this is the nearest suitable Church in Wales school to their home address and who live within a 3 mile radius of this school. Distance will be measured as detailed in “Tie Breaker” section. (see “Definitions” section of the policy)
d) Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) attend St Mary Magdalene, Penley in the Mission Area of Maelor.
e) Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) attend another Anglican Church and for whom this is the nearest Voluntary Aided Church School.
f) Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) are active members of a non-Anglican Christian denomination and for them this is the nearest Voluntary Aided Church School.
g) Pupils whose parents (see “Definitions” section of the policy) are active members of another faith and also express a desire for a Church School education, and for them this is the nearest Voluntary Aided Church School.
h) Pupils whose parents wish them to attend a Church in Wales School.
Admission to the nursery class does not guarantee admission to Reception. If a child has a place in our Nursery, parents must complete the appropriate form for admission into Reception.
If we do not offer a child a place at this school, it is because the admission number has been reached and an increase in numbers would adversely affect the education of our current pupils. Parents who are dissatisfied with the decision of the Governing Body not to admit a child may appeal the decision. The information on how to appeal will be included with the letter informing you that your application was unsuccessful. If you decide to appeal the decision, the appeal must be forwarded to the Clerk of the Governors of our school. Appeals must be made in writing, giving the full reason(s) for wishing to appeal including any supporting evidence.
Nursery education is not compulsory and parents have no right of appeal regarding nursery admissions under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998.
Please click on the link for the full policy:
Madras Admission Policy 2024-2025
To apply please go to:
Wrexham Council – School Admissions and Transfers
Admission Phase | Date opens | Consideration period | Closing Date | Parents informed by: |
Secondary | 4/9/2023 | 4/9/23 – 6/11/2023 | 6/11/2023 | 1/3/2024 |
Reception | 25/9/2023 | 25/9/23 – 17/11/2023 | 17/11/2023 | 16/4/2024 |
Nursery | 8/01/2024 | 8/1/23 – 16/2/2024 | 16/2/2024 | 7/5/2024 |