Camp Out Kit

Please see attached letter for what is needed for camp out kit. CAMP OUT

School Council

On Monday 25th March the School Council had the privilege of visiting the Mayors Parlour in the Guild Hall Wrexham.  We arrived to drinks and biscuits.  We were then escorted to the council chamber where the county councillors have their meetings.  The mayor explained his role and the role of his assistant, he also told us … Read more

Madras Football Champions 2019

Madras returned victorious from football today . Our football team have been playing games in the Wrexham league since October and accumulating points. Today they were crowned champions. We are very proud of them especially as 5 of them are still only Y4  playing in a Y6 and under league! Our thanks, also, go to … Read more

FoM News and Thank You

A big thank you to everyone who helped organise and attended the recent bingo night. The proceeds from the evening will go towards the cost of a fixed projector and screen in the school hall, this is something which we have been looking at for a long time, so a huge thank you that it … Read more

Nursery Jolly Phonics

Each week we learn a new sound in Nursery. To help consolidate the work we have been making biscuits and trying lots of food.