Nursery: End of term
We have had a busy but very enjoyable few weeks in Nursery. We have been working on number recognition and formation.
We enjoyed painting skeletons and hearing all about Funny Bones.
In Topic we have be learning all about clothes, music, dancing and food from the 1960s.
We dressed up and went dancing 1960s style, this was followed by spam sandwiches, pineapple upside down cake, tinned fruit and cream. What a feast!
Mrs Jarvis brought some of her records from the 1960s in and we listened to them on a record player, we were all amazed!
On Friday 28th we had our last Forest School session, we have really enjoyed our time with Lorraine.
Next term is going to be just as busy, we have lots planned, and of course Christmas is coming!
Happy Half Term everyone.