Class 4: Cardiff Castle Part One

We enjoyed our morning in Cardiff Castle. We climbed the steep steps to the keep, we toured the military and flag museum and then we had a guided tour in the private residence. We learned that the Bute family had lived here from 1776 and then gifted it to the people of Cardiff in 1947. … Read more

Class 4: Madras like to party!

An exhausting (but fun), jam-packed day was rounded off with a disco. We all dressed up and demonstrated our best dance moves! Sadly our fun adventure is coming to an end but we had a night to remember❤️

Class 4: Our favourite activity- The Speedboat!

All children have voted the speedboat as their favourite activity. We chugged out slowly passed the yellow buoys and then he hit his foot to the floor! We loved it. There was lots of loud laughter, screams and shouts for ‘more’ and ‘faster’.