Class 4: The Principality Stadium

A glorious sunny afternoon was spent at ‘The Principality Stadium’.  We toured around each floor, we sat in the royal box, we went into the executive boxes, we walked down the tunnel as opposing teams and we saw the changing rooms. We were amazed at how big it was! 

Class 4: The Senedd part one

We had a wonderful time at The Senedd this morning. we learned all about how the parliament is made up and how they have different ministers for different topics. We saw the ‘Chamber or Decisions’ and we also took part in our own debate Should Wales have a 4 day working week?

Class 4: Cardiff Day One

We had a great time at the Big Pit. We enjoyed going down in the miners cage and walking underground. We learned how 6 year olds sat in the dark all day opening and closing doors! We enjoyed the stories of the pit ponies who were down in the mine for 50 weeks of the … Read more

Class 4: A visit from a Welsh composer – Robat Arwyn

We thoroughly enjoyed the visit from Robat Arwyn to our school. In the hall, he played and sang his music for us; as well as telling us all about how he became a composer and what inspired him. We joined in with the songs we knew and all sang together. After this we had a … Read more

Class 4: Sharpening our Maths Reasoning

We completed a carousel of activities using ‘Talk it, Solve it’ maths reasoning puzzles. Lots of great methods were adopted as well as checking strategies. Da iawn dosbarth pedwar.