Class 4: Playmaker training

Y5 received ‘PlayMaker’  training this week which was delivered by Active Wrexham. This coaching award introduces pupils to leading activities during break times. It aims to give them the knowledge and skill to organise small games and activities, focusing on the players, organisation and delivery.

Class 4: Football Tournament

Chwarae teg! Well done to our football team who competed in the Wrexham Primary Schools Football Tournament at Ysgol Y Grango on Friday. They played brilliantly and have been invited to another tournament in March. Here we are with our new friend Wrex, the Wrexham FC mascot! 

Class 4: University Challenge

We are very proud of our four pupils who represented Madras in the Maelor Cluster University Challenge competition. We competed against seven other schools and achieved a HUGE final score of 48/60. The questions were extremely tricky so da iawn pawb. You were bendigedig! 

Class 4: Forest School November 24th

Our focus this week was Winter.  We had smores, made wooden garden decorations and foraged for greenery to make wreaths. We also used the stage to create a play using the wooden characters we made last week.

Class 4: Forest School

17th November 2023 Our Forest School afternoon consisted of Pudsey Bear leaf art, Tudor characters and learning how to light fires by creating a spark onto cotton wool.

Class 4: Meet our House Captains

After a tense couple of days and one revote necessary, we are pleased to announce our Madras House and Vice Captains.

Class 4: Senedd Visit

As part of our House Captain week, we had a visit from Caryl who told us all about what happens in the Senedd. We learned how it is democratically elected to represent the interests of Wales and its people, how they devise laws and the voting system. It was really interesting. We hope to follow this … Read more

Class 4: House Captain Speech Day

We delivered our speeches to the children in KS2. Hopefully they are successful and we get the votes! Update to follow….