Class 4: Dewch i Ddawnsio Gwerin

We enjoyed our Welsh Folk dancing session. We danced to Jac y Do a Cylch y Cymru. It was fun, although we need to work on our timings and hand holds – some of these were really tricky! We are looking forward to our next lesson.

Class 2: Clay sleeping dragons and dragon eyes

Wow! I think all the children in Class 2 are amazing clay artists! Year 2 have designed and created a sleeping dragon. Year 3 have created a dragon eye. The focus was on using different tools to create texture and pattern, molding clay and creating shape. I think they did a wonderful job and we cannot … Read more

Class 2: World Book Day

We interviewed each other and asked questions about what type of books we like to read and why. We found out about some books we have not read that other children recommended. We also had two Oompa Loompas in class with us!

Class 4: A visit from PC Hulley

PC Hulley came to speak to us about Anti Social Behaviour in the community.  She told us what Anti Social Behaviour was and showed us different levels of consequences if it was happening, and if it continued.