Class 2: Learning sketching techniques

We have been exploring sketching using pencil this week. We followed a tutorial on how to draw a Barn Owl. The children were amazing at it, and they were impressed with their sketching.

Class 2: Freezing temperatures and ice decorations

We have been finding out about temperature and how it can affect different things. We looked at the weather and how temperatures are measured. We decided to make some ice decorations and then see how long they take to melt. We worked in pairs to create natural material decorations and left them to freeze outside … Read more

Class 2: 2D shape

We have been finding out about 2D shapes and their properties. During Independent Learning  we have been busy investigating shapes, looking at symmetry, making patterns and tessellation. We enjoyed attempting tangram puzzles, too.

Class 2: Testing materials 1

We have been finding out about everyday materials. On Tuesday we did some testing and gathered results. We had to test each material to see if it could bend, stretch, squash or twist. Then we talked about why certain materials are used for different objects.