Phone lines still down

Update Tuesday 20th June, phone lines are still down. We are continuing to chase! Emails are working.

Phone Lines Down

Please be advised that our phone lines are still down, emails are working though. We have contacted county and will continue to do so until they are fixed.

Summer Fayre

Tomorrow is the day! Those who are in the parade meet by the Maelor 11.45am, see you all there!

Y6 Mad Hair

Y6 are enjoying mad hair day. Check out our funky hair!!

Summer Fayre Update

Congratulations to the following pupils who have been chosen: King: Ronan Queen: Amy Attendants: Theodore, Sam I, Lewis J, Connor, Georgiana, Hannah, Carly, Sioned. Looking forward to seeing you all dressed up and looking smart!

Urdd Results

Everyone tried really hard in the prelims and made us very proud, unfortunately they didn’t get through to the stage. They all had a great time though and it was a huge achievement to get to the Maes. Thank you to everyone who helped get them there, including the staff who travelled with them. A … Read more

Swimming Gala

Congratulations to all who competed in the swimming gala, Madras won! We really do have amazing pupils.

Results are in!

Our team played some amazing netball and all the games were very close, winning a game this afternoon 6-3. We weren’t placed this year but they all had a wonderful time and we are very proud of them getting this far.

Pob lwc i pawb a diolch!

The netball team are off! A huge good luck to all our netball team as they head to compete in the National Finals, we are so proud of them for getting this far and hope they enjoy every minute of it. Thank you to all the staff, parents, pupils and the community for the massive … Read more