Nursery: Miss Clark is a superstar!
What excitement this morning in Nursery.
A few weeks ago Miss Clark wrote to the company who make Tonieboxes and told them that in Nursery we love stories and would they be able to gift us something towards our Reading Garden in class.
Well today a large parcel arrived, when Miss Clark opened it, they had sent us 3 Tonieboxes! We were absolutely amazed, how very kind. We will be writing to them to say a very big thank you.
We have shared our lovely gift with Class 1 and Class 2, so they can have a Toniebox in their Book Nook.
I am sure we will post lots of photographs of the children having fun with their new Toniebox.
We want to say a big thank you to Miss Clark for taking the time to write to the company and to Toniebox for their very kind gift.