Nursery: Outdoor Fun

Nursery: Outdoor Fun
Another busy week in Nursery, it is hard to believe that we have now completed our first half term at Madras!
This week we have been so lucky to have a visit from Toni, who is a grandparent of one of our Reception children. Toni loves to garden and helps with the Nursery Garden. She tidied up our pots on the yard and we helped to plant some daffodil and crocus bulbs. We cannot wait for her next visit when we will be able to go into our Kitchen Garden and start work.
We have been outside a lot this week, which we love, climbing on crates, crawling through tunnels, and stepping on plastic stones.
For PE we had lots of colourful scarves and ribbon sticks and pretended to be autumn leaves.
As part of our My Happy Mind Work, we made brain hats.
We are all ready for our holiday as next term is going to be very exciting with lots going on!