Reported Scams and Cyber Crime Alerts

We have had this through to school, thought it would be useful to send out. Please click on the link below: Reported Scams and Cyber Crime Alerts 01

Choir Concert

Choir concert Thursday and Friday evening this week starting at 7.30pm. A whole range of different music will be performed and not just singing. Tickets are £4 for adults and £2 for children, contact Mrs Evans to get yours!

Summer Fair

A huge thank you to everyone who helped organise and also to those who attended the Summer Fair on Saturday. We were so lucky with the weather holding off! We will let you know the grand total as soon as possible. Thank you again.

Queen’s Jubilee

Despite the weather, we all had a lovely afternoon yesterday. Thank you to Mrs Davies and Mrs Williams who worked very hard in the kitchen to get all the party food ready for lunch time. Thank you to all the staff for organising activities and leading them. Also, thank you to those parents who let … Read more

Year 6: Cardiff update

Another fun filled day…. After dinner we went on the speed boat across the bay .. It was awesome and the children loved it …then it was an exciting tour around the stadium.. Finished off with lots of fun and dancing in the disco…. All packed and ready for bed to be fresh for the … Read more

Year 6: Cardiff update

We had lots of fun in bowling last night…. Children were very good getting settled at bed time and slept well…. We are currently in the Welsh assembly debating increasing the cost of fizzy drinks due to sugar content and we are very excited for the speed boat ride on the bay this afternoon!

Year 6:Cardiff

Arrived in Cardiff safely. Been to the national museum and we are currently sitting in the park enjoying the sun

Summer Fair

A letter will be coming out today from the Friends of Madras with details about the summer fair and asking for help on the day, please check bags. Also on the day we will be having a house rounders tournament for pupils and parents, more details will follow.

Friday 27th May 2016

Just a reminder about tomorrow: Non-uniform day, £1 donation for raffle prize for Summer Fair Defibrillator fundraiser disco tomorrow evening; 5.30 Foundation Phase, 6.45 KS2 Items on sale at the disco: Hotdogs – 50p Mix bag of sweet – 10p Cup drinks – 20p Crochet hearts – 50p Heart bracelets – £1 It’s not too … Read more

Year 6 Cardiff Trip

Just a reminder that the Cardiff trip meeting for parents is tonight (Tuesday 24th May 2016) at 6pm.