Class 1: Money

This week we have been looking at the coins in our money system.  We looked at each coin, we have been describing each coin and putting the coins in order of value.

Class 1: sports day

A little snapshot of our sports day.  All the children were amazing and showed good sportsmanship. 

Class 1: Transition morning

We had lots of fun in our class this morning.  We went in the areas outdoors, we went in the areas indoors and we even did some busy work.  We are all looking forward to being Reception and Year 1 in September.

Class 1: butterflies

On Tuesday it was time to let our butterflies go.  We went out into the garden , opened the net and waited patiently for the butterflies to warm up their wings and fly off.  Each butterfly left the net separately and we give them a clap and a cheer as they went off to explore … Read more

Class 1: butterflies

When we arrived at school on Monday morning all 5 butterflies had emerged from their chrysalides the children were very excited.