Class 2: Maths investigations

Teamwork makes the dream work! Today we worked in teams to solve some maths problems. Each investigation had three levels of challenge and involved clue cards that needed to be read, discussed and then a challenge to complete. I was very impressed with how well the children worked in teams to tackle the challenges. There … Read more

Class 2: Independent Learning

In Class 2 we have sessions every week that we call Independent Learning. This is when the children choose an area of the classroom and where they can develop their own independent learning skills. Today we had children animating their own adventure story in the ‘Small World’, story writing, close up drawing of minibeasts, making … Read more

Class 2: Beekeeper visit

On Monday we were very lucky to have some beekeepers from Bronington visit Class 2. They told us all about how important bees are and how they look after them and keep them for honey. We looked at a hive and we were shown pictures of how bees make honey. The beekeepers brought in some … Read more

Class 2: Close up of a bee artwork

Today we have been busy bees! We have been finding out about honeybees and looking at them very carefully. We chose our favourite close-up picture and then sketched an outline. We then used oil pastels to colour them in. We experimented with the oil pastels first, so that we could get an idea of how … Read more

Class 2: Bronze Awards for Elis and Liubomyr

Elis and Lyubomir both achieved their Chief Scout’s Bronze Award in Beavers. This is the top award a Beaver can achieve. There is a strict criteria and not all Beavers will achieve this.  The picture is of them with Raksha their Beaver Leader.  Elis was also awarded Beaver of the Month and gets to wear … Read more

Class 2: Welsh Bingo!

We have been learning the names for fruit and vegetables in Welsh. We discussed in Welsh which we like and do not like and then we made our own bingo boards and had a class game. Then we swapped boards with a friend and played again! During our Helpwr Heddiw session, we made our own … Read more

Class 2: PC Hulley

On Monday PC Hulley came into Class 2 and talked to us about keeping safe and making good choices. We looked at lots of different places that we should and should not play. Then she read us a story with Tarian the dragon and we had to decide if the characters had make a good … Read more

Class 2: Branching databases

We have been using J2e Data on the Chromebooks to learn about branching databases. We have been finding out how to create, organise, store and manipulate digital content.  After half term we will be creating our own using data of our own. Everybody worked really hard and some children enjoyed attempting an extra alien challenge!

Class 2: More Forest School

We also played some lovely imaginative Quest games and built a den. We used pine cones to make bees.