Class 2: Coding

On Wednesday we used J2Code on Hwb to do some coding. Class 2 were all amazing! They quickly moved through the first few levels and they all worked really hard. 

Class 2: Plant investigation

Today we have been finding out about plants. We have a new Plant Investigation Station in our classroom full of plants, seeds and some books. We looked at our mint, lavender and rosemary plants and decided which we liked the best. Then we watched a time lapse video of a tomato plant growing which we … Read more

Class 1: halves and quarters

Over the past two weeks we have been identifying halves and quarters. To consolidate our topic today we used cakes where the children had to cut them into halves and quarters independently.  They did a fantastic job and they enjoyed their treat after their work.

Seren Yr Wythnos 2 Mai

Yn Meithrin she has shown confidence in the classroom, taking part in activities and telling her news. Yn Dosbarth Un she is always helpful around the classroom and completes her work independently. Yn Dosbarth Tri he showed independence when completing his Labyrinth. Yn Dosbarth Pedwar he has used excellent maths, perservering through dificult problems. He … Read more

Nursery: Gardening and Phonics

Nursery: Gardening and Phonics This morning Toni came to school to help us in our garden area. We pulled up the weeds, planted more peas, lavender and some lettuces. Our potatoes are starting to grow, so we covered the leaves with some more soil. What a feast we will have! Today we have been learning … Read more

Urdd: Clwb Urdd Wednesday 1st May

Urdd: Clwb Urdd Wednesday 1st May In Urdd this month we decorated biscuits with red, green, white and black icing. They look just like Mr Urdd. The Parti Unsain performed the piece they will be singing in the finals at the end of the month. Pob lwc Parti Unsain!

Nursery: Heavy and light activities

Nursery: Heavy and light activities Today in Nursery we have been finding out about heavy and light. We had a pair of Mrs Jarvis’s socks each and then we had fill them with pasta, which sock was the heaviest? We went on a hunt around school with different objects in our hand, we had to … Read more

Class 4: Urdd Day

We enjoyed raising money to help towards the cost of Madras competing at the Urdd at Meifod in May. We bought cakes, had our face and nails painted and entered some competitions. Pob Lwc to Mrs Jarvis and our very own Parti Unsain!