Class 1: Noah’s Ark

Today we were told the story of Noah’s Ark.  We acted out the story outside, where we built an ark with the crates and used masks for animals and Noah.  We also used the Noah’s Ark inside to retell the story.  Some of us even built an ark in the blocks,

Nursery: Happy Mind

Nursery: Happy Mind Today in Nursery we talked about friendship. We listened to a story about a selfish crocodile. We thought about how we can be a good friend, then we made friendship bracelets and gave them to a friend.

Class 1: Topic Hook

Awe and wonder as the children enter the classroom after it has changed into a bug hotel in a minibeast garden. We then went outside to move like minibeasts.  We fluttered like butterflies, zoomed like flies, danced like bees, spun like spiders, slid like snails and crept like beetles.

Class 4: Good Luck to our Welsh school girl!

Madras would like to wish our Y6 pupil a HUGE POB LWC this weekend when she will represent Wrexham School Girls Football team. The Wrexham School Girls U11 team have qualified for the Welsh Finals in Cardiff on Saturday. They will play Swansea, Flintshire, Carmarthenshire, Cardiff and Caerphilly. What a fantastic experience and achievement. We … Read more

Nursery: The Garden

Nursery: The Garden Today we went out to water the lovely things we planted in the Kitchen Garden, but what a shock we had when we got there! We saw small footprints, who did they belong to? Then we noticed a little blue jacket and a bag! Who had been in the garden? Then somebody … Read more

Class 4: Netball Tournament

We had a great day competing in the Wrexham County Netball tournament. Well done to all nine children who represented Madras. They displayed great sportsmanship, playing against some big town schools. SUPER PROUD!

Class 2: Forest School

The children have been using tools, creating things from clay and having a wonderful time in the mud!

Class 1: Handling data

Yesterday we collected data of our favourite fruit and used the data to make a pictogram.  This afternoon we transferred the data into block graphs using the iPads.