Class 4: Kindness award

Both girls received postcards home for displaying kindness to a classmate. They took it upon themselves to help out in a situation on yard and, through their kindness, it was resolved and everybody felt better. Diolch girls.

Class 4: Devising our own fitness stations

After 4 weeks of fitness and using circuit training in PE, this week, we devised our own. We delivered our stations to our classmates and then we all completed the session. Feedback was that they were exhausting but worth it!

Class 4: Working with WCBC to improve play in our community

Today we practised being ethically informed citizens.  We: engaged with contemporary issues.  understood and exercised our human and democratic responsibilities and rights. understood and considered the impact of our actions when making choices. shared our knowledge about our community. We worked with WCBC and researchers from the University of Gloucestershire on our experiences of play … Read more

Class 4: A present from ‘Friends of Madras’

Thank you to ‘Friends of Madras’ for our wonderful gifts you gave us after raising funds from a coffee morning. We have already used our scissors and can’t wait to do some calculator work in maths – now we can have enough to have one each instead of sharing. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Class 4: Tîm Cymru

Tîm Cymru visited us to tell us all about their achievements and pride when representing Wales in the Commonwealth games. We met Jacob Edwards and Charlotte Evans who showed us some of their equipment and memorabilia from being part of the Welsh team. After their presentations, we completed a workshop with both athletes. It was … Read more

Nursery: Celebrations

Nursery: Celebrations We were very busy in Nursery the last week of term. We celebrated Pancake Day and Chinese New Year. We thought it was really funny when Mrs Jarvis flipped the pancakes, and we were really pleased that she didn’t drop any on the floor! To celebrate Chinese New Year, our role play area … Read more

Class 2: Light and shadows

We have been learning about Light and shadows in our Science and Technology lessons. We have had a quiz and then we learnt some shadow puppet animals and their names in Welsh. Then we put on a shadow puppet show!