Nursery: Daffodils

Nursery: Daffodils A big thank you to Toni and Bill Slater, who are the grandparents of one the children in Nursery. They came in before school early one morning and tidied up our little Nursery garden. They sorted our tubs and put fresh compost in, then they planted daffodil bulbs. We look forward to seeing … Read more

Class Four: Coding

Today we worked on the arcade game we are devising. Today’s task was to create an enemy and also, code animations into our main character. 

Class 2: Chocolate experiment

At the beginning of our topic we made a list of all the questions we wanted to answer over the topic. One was  Why does chocolate melt?  And another was  Which chocolate melts the fastest? So we decided to find out! We made predictions and we made sure it was a fair test. Then we … Read more

Class 2: Class 2 Designing and making masks

As part of our Chocolate topic we found out about where and when chocolate was first made. We have been learning about the Maya and Aztecs, so in our Expressive Arts lessons this week we have designed and made our own masks inspired by the masks they made.

Class 1: Frosty walk

This morning we went on a cold and frosty walk around the school field.  We used magnifying glasses to look at the delicate frost patterns on the leaves and fences as we crunched our way through the frozen grass.  We also enjoyed a hot chocolate treat!

Community Choir: November 28th

Community Choir: Tuesday November 28th On Tuesday 28th November, the Madras Community Choir gave their annual performance at St Mary Magdalene Church in Penley. The church was full, and the audience enjoyed an evening of carols, seasonal songs and poems. The choir will be performing at the Christmas Fayre in church on Saturday 9th December at 2pm. … Read more

Nursery: Week 27th November

Nursery: Week 27th November This week we have been learning all about light sources.  We have started our Christmas craft and have made some wonderful cards. On Thursday, we went for a walk, it was really frosty. To warm us up we had hot chocolate. We are very busy rehearsing for the Christmas concert. What an … Read more

Class 4: Muddy Rugby!

After 6 weeks of Rugby lessons we are now playing mini tournaments. Children are displaying skills in ball handling, tagging and game play. Very impressive and great fun; especially on our muddy pitches!

Class 4: Playmaker training

Y5 received ‘PlayMaker’  training this week which was delivered by Active Wrexham. This coaching award introduces pupils to leading activities during break times. It aims to give them the knowledge and skill to organise small games and activities, focusing on the players, organisation and delivery.