
Good news, power back on! Apologies if you have been trying to telephone us, we on now up and running again.

Y6 cycling

Don’t forget it is non uniform for Y6 on Monday and Tuesday. Come in clothes suitable for cycling. Bring a waterproof coat too. All Y6 bikes need to be in tomorrow morning and then go home Tuesday after school. If you want your child to cycle home from school on either or both of the … Read more

Wrexham Fitness Festival

We had a visit today from Sasha who organises the Wrexham Fitness Festival, this year it is Saturday 1st October. Please see leaflet that has come home or click on the link below. If you attend, then you will have the chance to be part of a World Record! It sounds an amazing day, with … Read more

Congratulations Thomas!

A huge congratulations to Thomas in year 5 who completed his 50 miles bike ride on Saturday. If you want to sponsor him, please see Thomas or his mum and dad.


There have been several reported near accidents outside school since we returned to school. These have now been reported to the police. Please take care when driving and parking around school and take note of the parking restrictions. Thank you.

Roald Dahl Day

Everyone looked fantastic today! Thank you to everyone for providing costumes, the effort was definitely worth it, a great day for all.

Applications for School Places

Information is now available for the application of school places; Nursery, Reception and Secondary. school-applications

50 mile bike ride!

Thomas in year 5 is attempting a 50 mile bike ride on Saturday in aid of the school. If anyone would like to sponsor him please see Thomas or his mum and dad. Good luck Thomas!

2016 Paralympic Games!

Don’t forget that the Paralympic games start today! To keep up to date with it all go to www.paralympic.org.