Nursery: Another exciting week

Nursery: Another exciting week
This week we had a lovely surprise when we went out to water our Kitchen Garden, Toni and Bill were there with some onions for us to plant. They told us that when they arrived, they found a tray of strawberry plants that Peter Rabbit had left to say sorry for eating some of our vegetables! We were so excited. Our potatoes will soon be ready, and we can’t wait to make chips with them! We have started growing tomatoes and maybe we will make tomato sauce to go with our chips! We really love our Kitchen Garden.
This week we have been learning about the sound ‘n’. We made aeroplanes and will fly them around making a ‘n’ sound when they dry. For snack we had nachos and naans, Mrs Jarvis said it was tricky to find something else, so she bought some nice curry sauce for us to dip our nachos and naan bread in.
Friday was Mad Hair Day, we thought Miss Clark was very brave with a spider in her hair!
We found out all about snails and made a fact snail. Miss Clark helped us to make some lovely snail suncatchers.
In Nursery we love being outdoors having fun.