Seren Yr Wythnos 13 Mehefin

Yn Meithrin for being an excellent helpwr heddiw and answering questions.  Her confidence is also growing. Yn Dosbarth 1 for excellent reading and a fantastic attitude to learning. Yn Dosbarth 2 for creating a good animation during independent learning. Yn Dosbarth 3 for reading to the class fluently and adding voices and actions and fantastic … Read more

Class 4: Chess Workshop

We were pleased to welcome ‘Chess in Schools and Communities’ to our class. All children had a chess lesson and then played each other. We have a team competing in the ‘Wrexham Primary School Chess Event’ tomorrow – we wish them a huge POB LWC!

Nursery: Forest School and butterflies

Nursery : Forest School and butterflies Today we had our first Forest School session with Miss Clark and what a great morning we had. We went on a walk around the area, and we moved from area to area like different minibeasts! Some of us made grass heads, we all decorated cakes to look like … Read more

Class 3: Cricket Session 🏏

On Thursday we had a fun session of Cricket with Matthew Jones from Active Wrexham. We worked on our fielding and bowling skills. 

Women’s Tour of Britain

We have been out this afternoon to watch the Women’s Tour of Britain pass the school. We had a great 30 mins with lots of the support vehicles and police tooting and waving. The children had a great time shouting and waving.

Nursery: Another exciting week

Nursery: Another exciting week This week we had a lovely surprise when we went out to water our Kitchen Garden, Toni and Bill were there with some onions for us to plant. They told us that when they arrived, they found a tray of strawberry plants that Peter Rabbit had left to say sorry for … Read more

The Big Sing

Year four and five enjoyed a day at Moreton Hall taking part in ‘ The Big Sing’. The children were encouraged to develop the skills needed to perform: listening, teamwork and meeting high expectations through fabulous singing. We joined other schools to form a big choir. We all really enjoyed it.