Nursery: Snowdon, dragons and Forest School

This week in Nursery we were so excited as we received a reply from the dragons in Llangollen. Mrs Evans came down with the post and told us that we all a letter. We couldn’t believe that the dragons had replied to our letters that we sent. They were able to answer our questions about … Read more

Class 2: Time

This week we began by drawing our own clocks on the playground and showing different times using paintbrushes. We have also been saying how we know it is a certain time, for example “I know it is quarter past because the minute hand is pointing to the 3” Then we moved onto practising reading key … Read more

Class 2: Chromebook presentations

We have started to create our Wonderful Wales presentations which will show everything that we know about Wales. We have used Google Slides to do this. So far we have made a title slide.

Seren Yr Wythnos

Meithrin was awarded for kindness and a super effort in PE. Dosbarth un was awarded because she always tries her best. She is caring to everyone and she has a positive attitude. Dosbarth dau was awarded because he always listens, he has a sensible attitude and tries his best. Dosbarth tri was awarded for creativity during poetry writing. … Read more

Class 4: Our first BSL lesson

We had our first BSL lesson this week. We met Debbie and Angela and also Dasher, the hearing dog! Angela told us all about how Dasher helps her and how she lives her life as a deaf person. We signed the English and Welsh alphabet and learned our names. We are really looking forward to … Read more

Class 4: Rugby Tournament

Today we attended the Wrexham Rugby Festival at Wrexham Rugby Club. We played seven games and won four! Our children were amazing; their speed, agility and ability to chase a tag was admirable. We are so proud of them. Chwarae Teg!

Valentine’s Disco

Madras like to party! We had a great time at our Valentine’s disco!  Thank you to FOM for organising it.

Internet Safety Day

PC Hulley came to deliver a whole school assembly on Internet Safety. She told us about games we should and should not be playing. She talked about our behaviour and safety online. She also taught us how to stay ‘SMART’ online.

Class 4: Kindness award

Both girls received postcards home for displaying kindness to a classmate. They took it upon themselves to help out in a situation on yard and, through their kindness, it was resolved and everybody felt better. Diolch girls.