Nursery: Last Day

Nursery: Last day Today was our last Nursery session.  We had a lovely morning playing in the areas and at snack time we had some tasty treats. We hope you all have a lovely summer.

Class 1: Park Hall

Class 1: Park Hall On Friday 14th July Class 1 visited Park Hall Farm. The children had a wonderful time, we went on a tractor ride around the farm, fed the rabbits and sheep, brushed Spice the pony and went to visit the goats in their tower. We had lots of fun in the Science Zone … Read more

Nursery: Park Hall

Nursery: Park Hall Nursery had a wonderful time at Park Hall on Friday 14th July. We had lots of fun watching the pigs race, feeding the animals and playing in the Science Zone and Brickworks. 


Nursery: Beach Day We are having a week at the beach in Nursery this week. We will be learning alll about the beach and the sea. Even though it was a little chilly today we decided to go in the paddling pools, but we soon warmed up when we had hot chocolate!

Class 4

Class 4: A trip to Manchester On Tuesday 27th June Year 5 & 6 visited The Lowry and Imperial War Museum.

Pyjamarama Day

Nursery: Pyjamarama Day What a wonderful morning we had today!  We came to school in our pyjamas, even Mrs Jarvis did! After registration, Miss Mira kindly asked if we would like to go and sit in the shade on the field with a reading buddy from her class. We each picked our favourite story and … Read more


Nursery: Forest School On Friday 26th May we had our last Forest School session. It was so much fun, the sun was shining, we had a wonderful morning. Lorraine made hot chocolate and popcorn. Resting in the hammocks after a busy morning was a real treat! ​


Nursery: Building a house for a pig! As part of our work on the story of The 3 Little Pigs, we tested the materials the pigs used to build their houses. We poured water on the straw, the sticks and the bricks, we all had a turn at trying to bend the materials and we … Read more