Class 2: Life cycle of a bee

We have been very busy bees! Today we found out about the life cycle of a bee. We watched a video and then had to order the stages in the life cycle. We even acted out each part in groups. Can you tell who is the egg, queen bee, larva, pupa and then adult bee?

Olympic Events 🥇🥈🥉

On Thursday we made the most of the glorious sunshine and started planning our own Olympic events, for when we hold our own Madras Olympics. We worked in teams to create an event. We had to make sure that the event was ‘fair’ and we had to work out how we would decide on a … Read more

Class 2: Bug party

We’ve had a lot of fun today. We have worked on groups and been on a big hunt, dance party, dance

Class 2: Bumblebee research tasks

This week we have been finding out about bumblebees and how important they are. We used non-fiction books and keyword searches to locate information. Then we worked in small groups to create a fact-file page about bumblebees.