Class 2: Busy bees

We have been so busy this week! We have been rehearsing our lines, filming presenters, recording the voiceovers and then making lots of animations. Our documentary is almost ready to be edited. The children have worked so hard and well done to how well they learned their lines- I was very impressed! 

Class 2: Well done Ruby!

Ruby has been awarded two trophies from football. One for Top Trainer and the other for Squad Member. Well done Ruby!

Class 2: Measuring mass

We have been estimating and then measuring how heavy different objects weigh. We explored the different weights and then went outside to look for objects that were about 1kg or less/more than 1kg. We completed some Learning Partner work where we had to read different scales and decide what they showed. Then we chose several … Read more

Class 2: Measuring volume in ml and litres

We have been estimating the volumes and then measuring containers using standard units. We had a lot of fun guessing how many millilitres a cup holds. We played a game where we had to choose the correct volume and read different measuring containers.

Class 2: Animation afternoon

We have been busy bees today!  We have started work on our film. We decided on some ideas that we need to include and then found images to help us draw parts to be animated. The children did a fabulous job and were so quick to create a ten second animation. I was very impressed … Read more

Class 2: Bee artwork

We looked at patterns in nature and focused on the tessellation that we saw in a piece of honeycomb. We made our own hexagon tessellation and then filled the cells with different designs. We will be making bees next and using this as part of an animation. 

Class 2: Life cycle of a bee

We have been very busy bees! Today we found out about the life cycle of a bee. We watched a video and then had to order the stages in the life cycle. We even acted out each part in groups. Can you tell who is the egg, queen bee, larva, pupa and then adult bee?

Class 2: Bug party

We’ve had a lot of fun today. We have worked on groups and been on a big hunt, dance party, dance

Class 2: Bumblebee research tasks

This week we have been finding out about bumblebees and how important they are. We used non-fiction books and keyword searches to locate information. Then we worked in small groups to create a fact-file page about bumblebees.

Class 2: Maths investigations

Teamwork makes the dream work! Today we worked in teams to solve some maths problems. Each investigation had three levels of challenge and involved clue cards that needed to be read, discussed and then a challenge to complete. I was very impressed with how well the children worked in teams to tackle the challenges. There … Read more