Estyn Report

Dear Families, Before the Easter holidays you may remember that we had our Estyn inspection, we are now very pleased to share the report. I’m sure you will join with us in celebrating the achievements of pupils, staff, governors and the community that this report highlights. We are very proud of our school and are … Read more

Nursery: Forest School

Nursery: Forest School Today we had our last session as Nursery in Forest School. We have really enjoyed our time outside. Miss Clark has prepared lots of fun activities, thank you Miss Clark! We can’t wait to go back when we are in Reception.

Nursery: Fun and laughter

Nursery: Fun and laughter We have been so busy during the last few weeks. We have had Sports Day, Beach Week and lots more. Here is a snapshot of our last few weeks in Nursery.

TTRockstars 🎸✨ Overall Winners

After eight weeks of battling it out to be crowned year group winners, we can now announce that Year 5 came out on top and will be rewarded with a ‘treat session’ on Tuesday. Bendigedig Year 5!  This year group amazed us because nearly all contributed equally. ‘Team work makes the dream work!’ Pictured with … Read more

Class 2: Busy bees

We have been so busy this week! We have been rehearsing our lines, filming presenters, recording the voiceovers and then making lots of animations. Our documentary is almost ready to be edited. The children have worked so hard and well done to how well they learned their lines- I was very impressed!