Nursery: Week Tuesday 7th May

Nursery: Week Tuesday 7th May Another busy week in Nursery. On Tuesday we heard the story of Jasper’s Beanstalk, each day he did something different and we enjoyed making a diary for Jasper.  Next week we will have our own diary to take home and fill in. Mrs Jarvis and Miss Clark said they can’t wait … Read more

Class 1: Forest School

In forest school this week we had toast with jam or chocolate spread and  hot chocolate.  We had lots of fun making bow and arrows, stick men and hobby horses.

Seren Yr Wythnos

Yn Meithrin for writing her name independently/ Yn dosbarth 1 for doing excellent work with positions. Yn dosbarth 2 for good literacy work.

Class 3: Cold, capacity calculating 💧

On the 24th April, we took turns to go outside with different containers. We estimated the amount of water we thought each container could hold and then we used measuring cylinders and jugs to check. At the start of the day, it was a bit chilly but we soon warmed up once we had a bit … Read more

Class 3: Comparing Data using Excel 🌡📈

On the 24th April, we reread the text on the physical features of Greece. We looked at the table that showed the average temperature for each month in Athens. Using Excel, we inputted the data into the cells, altered the cells and created a line graph. We then looked for the same information for Cardiff and … Read more

Class 3: Wish you were here? Wish we were there! 🌞

On the 23rd April, we took our first lesson, introducing us to our new topic of ‘Ancient Greece and The Olympics’ outside. We read a text about the physical features of Greece. The ☀️was shining and we could almost imagine that we were in Greece. Until, a ☁️would appear every now and again, just to remind … Read more

Class 3: Measuring outside 📏🌞

On the 23rd April, we took our measuring outside. We estimated the length of different items before measuring them. Our partner checked to see if they agreed. We decided if we needed to use a ruler, a metre stick or the trundle wheel. Some of us calculated the difference between our estimates and our measurements. A … Read more