Class 3: Grow your own dragons 🐲

Two weeks ago, we made our own dragon pots. We added soil and planted the seeds. We decided how much water we thought they would need and measured it carefully. We were given the task of looking after them at home to see if we could make them grow and how tall we could get … Read more

Class 2: Magic carpet ride

Today we went on a magic carpet ride and used our imagination to compose some expanded noun phrases. We imagined we were high above a majestic city of domes and towers. There were some fabulous ideas that gave us lots of inspiration for our writing.

Class 2: Adventure story writing

On Tuesday we have been thinking about story settings. We are starting to build our own ideas ready for when we write our own adventure stories. We used images from ‘Journey’ to compose sentences that include prepositions. Ther were some very imaginative ideas.

Class 2: Position, direction and movement

On Tuesday we were giving our partners instructions to reach certain points in a grid. We used quarter and half turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise, left, right, forwards and backwards.  We had to think very carefully when we had to give a block of instructions to our partner!

Class 1: Caterpillars

After 2 weeks our caterpillars have grown very big and they are nearly ready to turn into their chrysalis.

Class 1: Forest School

We have had lots of fun the last two weeks in forest school.  We have been whittling twigs, making stick men, putting on shows, playing games, relaxing in the hammock and enjoying hot chocolate and biscuits.

Nursery: Forest School

Nursery: Forest School We had another fun filled morning at Forest School today. We made stick men with Lorraine using the tools, we set sail in our boat and flew to planets in our cardboard rocket. Some of us made wands out of sticks. We had some soft toys outside and loved playing with the … Read more