Choir: Summer Concert 2024

Choir: Summer Concert 2024 Everyone in the School Choir is very excited, as on Thursday 20th and Friday 21st we will be taking part in the annual summer concert alongside the Madras Community Choir. On Monday we joined together for a rehearsal and we are all looking forward to performing. Please come along and support us. Tickets … Read more

Community Choir: Summer Concert 2024

Community Choir: Summer Concert 2024 On Thursday 20th and Friday 21st June the Community Choir will have their annual summer concert to raise money for school. The School Choir will also be taking part. Tickets are available from school, £4 for adults and £2 for children. Here are both choirs rehearsing on Monday evening.

Nursery: Forest School

Nursery: Forest School When we arrived in Forest school today Miss Clark read us a story about a monkey. There was a table where you could make a necklace or a habitat for a minibeast. Some of us went on a minibeast hunt around Forest School. We made a caterpillar cake with Mrs Jarvis which … Read more

After School Cricket

We had a super session in after school sports club. Two of our Y5 pupils led the session as they are cricket experts. It was amazing. Some great hits, some super fielding and we all learned new vocabulary: overs, crease, inning, boundary and lots more! Thank you both.

Nursery: Broad Beans

Nursery: Broad beans On Friday we went to check our Kitchen Garden, we were so happy to see that everything is growing well. We were very excited to see that the broad beans were ready to be picked. Mrs Jarvis helped us to pick them and we each took two home to cook.

Class 4: Chess Champions

Today 5 of our children competed in a Chess Tournament at Gresford. They made us exceptionally proud and ended up with a third place medal. WOW! They thoroughly enjoyed it and I think it has enthused a few more to join their chess club; which they have set up in school at lunchtimes. Also, a … Read more

Nursery: Phonics

Nursery: Phonics Today in Nursery we were learning all about the ‘c’ sound. We know there is a curly c letter and a kicking k letter, but both have a ‘c’ sound. We chopped up apples and made a delicious crumble which we had with custard at snack time. Outside we played lots of games … Read more

Class 2: Maths investigations

Teamwork makes the dream work! Today we worked in teams to solve some maths problems. Each investigation had three levels of challenge and involved clue cards that needed to be read, discussed and then a challenge to complete. I was very impressed with how well the children worked in teams to tackle the challenges. There … Read more

Class 2: Maths investigations

Teamwork makes the dream work! Today we worked in teams to solve some maths problems. Each investigation had three levels of challenge and involved clue cards that needed to be read, discussed and then a challenge to complete. I was very impressed with how well the children worked in teams to tackle the challenges. There … Read more