Class 2: Plant investigation

Today we have been finding out about plants. We have a new Plant Investigation Station in our classroom full of plants, seeds and some books. We looked at our mint, lavender and rosemary plants and decided which we liked the best. Then we watched a time lapse video of a tomato plant growing which we … Read more

Class 2: Cars of the future

Today we have been looking at how cars have changed over time and talking about what it would be like to have a job where you have to design a car. We have then become future car designers and created our own ideas of what we think cars will be like and what they will … Read more

Class 2: A journey that changed the world

Our topic is all about  Journeys. We made a list of all the questions we would like to answer over the next few weeks about journeys. Today we found out about the first car and the very first car journey. We watched a video showing someone driving a replica of the first motorcar and then … Read more

Class 2: Position, direction and movement

This week we have been giving instructions and learning about making half and quarter turns. We also used clockwise and anti-clockwise , left or right. We began by playing games outside- we enjoyed Simon Says! Then we worked with our learning partner to follow instructions to move the arrow .

Class 2: Earth Day 2024

Today we have been learning about Earth Day and why we think it is important. We read the book Clean Up! by Nathan Bryon and Dapo made us think about plastic and ways we can reduce our plastic use.  We felt really shocked and sad when we read the facts about plastic in the … Read more

Class 2: Forest School

Today we have been using tools and making items from sticks using our imagination. We had fun in the hammocks, too!

Class 2: Fractions of amounts

We have been working out fractions of amounts. We started with pegs and cubes and had to divide them into equal groups. We worked with our Learning Partner to solve some fractions of amounts problems before we completed our work in our books. 

Class 2: Fractions of shapes

Before we do our work on a worksheet or in our Maths books, we usually use objects that we can touch and see. This is called the ‘concrete’ stage. It helps us to model the problem and bring the learning to  life.  We have been finding out about fractions of shapes, so we made playdo … Read more