Class 4: A Visiting Author

We had a virtual visit from the author Ally Sherrick as we are reading her book: The Queen’s Fool. She told us how she became an author and how she got her ideas for the book. The children were able to ask her questions and also, she read us the next chapter. It was amazing … Read more

Nursery: Santes Dwynwen

Nursery: Santes Dwynwen Today we celebrated Santes Dwynwen in Nursery. Santes Dwynwen is the patron saint of love in Wales. When we sat on the carpet for registration, we all had a chocolate heart. Afterwards we made a Santes Dwynwen card, we were able to pick what we would like to put on our card. … Read more

Seren Yr Wythnos

Seren Yr wythnos, wythnos yma ydy: Yn Meithrin ydy Christopher for excellent listening during focus tasks, super work in Pe and amazing sitting at carpet time. Yn dosbarth 1 ydy Ralph for always being helpful, completing amazing work and helping others. Yn dosbarth 2 ydy Nia for always being kind and helpful.  She always tries … Read more

Class 4: A visit from Welsh Water

We had a wonderful Welsh Water visit this week. Firstly we attended an assembly where we learned all about water efficiency, the water cycle and how to become water ambassadors with an understanding of climate change. Then we took part in an interactive class workshop where we took part in a water-saving session. Hopefully the … Read more

Class 4: Poetry Presentation

In class we are looking at the poem, ‘The Magic Box’ by Kit Wright. Children were asked to present and recite a verse for a class performance. We were thoroughly entertained – they were amazing!

Nursery: Dragons

Nursery: Dragons Idris the dragon is still with us in Nursery, we are trying to find out more about him and where he came from. We have also been learning all about shapes, so we made dragons with 2D and 3D shapes. We all had a tub of red play dough and made some wonderful … Read more

Class 3: Testing out our rockets

First we launched them and judged the height they reached and then we angled the launcher and judged the distance they shot up the school field. What a fantastic afternoon – it was really exciting as you can see by our faces!

Class 3: Building a rocket

Firstly, we learned the basics of rocketry and the physics that moves them. Then we were tasked with building our own which were going to be launched on the school playground. How exciting!

Class 2: Measuring the temperature and gathering data

This week we were talking about the weather. We had to guess what we thoughtt the temperature was and then created a human graph to show our estimates. We answered questions about what the graph showed us. Then we used the thermometer to measure the temperature outdoors. We enjoyed watching the mercury rise as the … Read more