Class 1: Money

This week we have been looking at the coins in our money system.  We looked at each coin, we have been describing each coin and putting the coins in order of value.

Creative Club

Today we created paper sculptures with bridges, staircases and tunnels. We had the ‘Leaning tower of Paper’, Wacky walkway and lots of other creations.

Class 2: Well done Ruby!

Ruby has been awarded two trophies from football. One for Top Trainer and the other for Squad Member. Well done Ruby!

Class 2: Measuring mass

We have been estimating and then measuring how heavy different objects weigh. We explored the different weights and then went outside to look for objects that were about 1kg or less/more than 1kg. We completed some Learning Partner work where we had to read different scales and decide what they showed. Then we chose several … Read more

Nursery: Sports Day

Nursery: Sports Day We had lots of fun on Sports Day with our minibeast themed races!

Class 4: Water Safety

Today we were visited by Canal and River Trust Explorers. They talked to us about keeping safe when playing around water. We have all had a little book about it to bring home.

Class 3: Water Safety 🌊

Today we were visited by Canal and River Trust Explorers. They talked to us about keeping safe when playing around water. We have all had a little book about it to bring home.