Class 2: Designing our dragons

We are going to make moving part dragons that we will be animating for our poetry.   First of all, we had to research dragons using a keyword search and think about what our own dragons could look like, then we showed our research as a PicCollage. We looked at lots of different collage materials and … Read more

Class 3: Water Workshop

Last week we took part in a water workshop. We found out why it is important to save water. 

Class 3: What’s going to work? Team work!

We were put into groups. We were given a piece of paper, sellotape, four pieces of string and a felt tip. We had to work out how to draw a picture of a house on the paper, but we could not touch the felt tip once we started to draw. We discussed our ideas as … Read more

Nursery: A letter

Nursery: A letter  Our visitor in Nursery Idris is still with us! So, we all thought it would be a good idea if Mrs Jarvis went up to the castle in Llangollen and see if she could find any dragons. Sadly, no dragons to be found, but Mrs Jarvis thought that a nearby cave would … Read more

Class 2: Sending messages online and using J2e

This week we gathered data about which traditional Welsh foods children in Class 2 like or do not like using Welsh questions. Then we showed our results in a tally chart. We then used J2e on Hwb to create a block graph to show the results. We  have also been talking about the rules for … Read more

Class 2: Welsh poetry

As part of our Poetry topic, we have been reading poems in English and in Welsh. We are learning ‘Y Lliwiau’ and we worked out and translated each word. It is a repeating poem, which is the type of poem we will be writing next week but about dragons. We can’t wait to show you … Read more

Class 2: Dragon drama and sentence work

This week we have imagined what our very own pet dragon would look like and what type of personality it would have. On Wednesday we used colour thesauruses to help us describe the colour of our dragons. We have also been thinking about the things we would do with our pet dragons.  Today we used … Read more